Friday, January 18, 2008

Insight or crazy musings?

As I see pictures of the children in the families around me and wonder at where the time went, I start to understand why we sort of slow down as we get older.

When we are young we don't have the cherished memories yet. The ones that pop up and make you smile from ear to ear out of nowhere. The ones that taught you a lesson. The ones that inspired you. And yes, even the ones that made you cry. There's nothing that interupts your train of thought as you move from project to project...situation to situation. Everything is fast, gotta get it done now...

As I add years to my memories, I'm finding I don't have such urgency for certain situations. Don't get me wrong, I'm still impatient about things...just not in the same way.

Come to think about it, maybe it's just that we learn to slow down and cherish simple moments. Live in the situation instead of blow through them like a hurricane.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I need another craft like I need a hole in my head...

But here I am starting on another adventure in craft land.
I fell in love with all the boutique necklaces and bracelets I was seeing in talented designers listings. I would have been happy purchasing just one or 2 but then I saw the ornaments...and well, I justified starting another craft by telling myself that I could make them for Christmas presents for the Grandma & Grandpa's in our world.

My first and 2nd attempts have left a little to be desired. It's a little tough to get used to using something other than my hands to mold a piece of sewing and crocheting. But I am getting better.

A couple of burns later (really minor, don't worry) I have come up with this treasure for my Niece's birthday present. A "T" for her name and her baby picture on the other side. I figured that when she outgrows it she will have an heirloom to treasure for a long time to come.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

And here we go...

I've tried this blog thing once and it didn't quite work out. Blogging and I seem to have a hard time finding meeting arrangements that work for both of us. But I am really itching to somehow document all of my sewing and crafting adventures.
I was recently looking back on pictures of things I have created and a flood of memories washed over me...remembering how I had to seam rip a particular item twice before it came out right, or how a new idea turned out even more remarkable than I had envisioned...and I can't help wondering if (or when) those memories will start to escape out of my wonderful collection.
So here we go.
Sew Happy Apple.
I'm motivated.
For the moment at least.
Lets hope it stays this way for a happy long time :)